Exitof99 (ĕg'zĭt ŭv, ĕk'sĭt ŏv; nīn'tē-nīn), n.,[First appeared as 'Exit the Conventional DJ' circa 1991 as a WETD (Alfred, NY) radio DJ, during the birth of the band 99¢ Special]
1. A mixed-media artist who has chosen to leave behind the perceived mundane existence of the common world.
2. Exitof99 is a moniker for Exit of 99¢ Special.
Videography ---
New Choreographers Showcase DVD :: Website
2007 >> A single camera production of filming of the first event by Jen Wanagel, a dancer and choreographer in Ithaca, NY.
Avid Video Class ::
2002 >> A few projects put together on a extremely tight deadline for a class I took at Onondaga Community College. Each had to be filmed and edited in a few hours do to a busy work schedule and the lack of access to the school's equipment.
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