Exitof99 (ĕg'zĭt ŭv, ĕk'sĭt ŏv; nīn'tē-nīn), n.,[First appeared as 'Exit the Conventional DJ' circa 1991 as a WETD (Alfred, NY) radio DJ, during the birth of the band 99¢ Special]

1. A mixed-media artist who has chosen to leave behind the perceived mundane existence of the common world.

Exitof99 is a moniker for Exit of 99¢ Special.

Sleepy Hollow Exit
Dressed in 1770s garb for a night time scene in episode 3 of Sleepy Hollow. This is one of the many roles I've been playing as of late. Find me on IMDB.

Acting ---

Sleepy Hollow (TV) :: Website / IMDB
2013 >> Appeared as the photo double for Tom Mison, the shows principle actor, who plays Ichabod Crane. Also, appeared as a member of the 1770s militia in the third episode.

Unbreakable Bonds
2013 >> Feature-length independent Civil War era movie being produced by Andrew Branham Dyer set to be released late 2014.

Get Up :: IMDB
2013 >> Short produced by filmmaker Brannigan Carter about not giving up.

Christmas in Conway (TV Movie) :: IMDB
2013 >> Appeared as a neighbor running along side Andy Garcia.

Eastbound & Down (TV) :: Website / IMDB
2013 >> A quick role as a bum during a montage in the final episode next to the star of the show Danny McBride.

Tammy :: IMDB
2013 >> Worked as a vendor in the background during the lake scene.

Under the Dome (TV) :: Website / IMDB
2013 >> Portrayed one of the residents trapped in Chester's Mill trapped within the dome. Appeared in 4 of the 13 episodes in the first season, 1, 2, 5, and 10.

We're the Millers :: IMDB
2012 >> Was paid to act as a strip club patron who drank beer, interacted with scantily-clad actresses playing strippers, and view Jennifer Aniston's bottom in a thong for about an hour or so.

Hick :: IMDB
2011 >> Worked along side Chloƫ Moretz in a few scenes that were deleted in my first foray on to the silver screen - only to never appear in the film.

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