Exitof99 (ĕg'zĭt ŭv, ĕk'sĭt ŏv; nīn'tē-nīn), n.,[First appeared as 'Exit the Conventional DJ' circa 1991 as a WETD (Alfred, NY) radio DJ, during the birth of the band 99¢ Special]
1. A mixed-media artist who has chosen to leave behind the perceived mundane existence of the common world.
2. Exitof99 is a moniker for Exit of 99¢ Special.
Audio Projects ---
99¢ Special :: Website / MySpace
1991-1996 >> Tribaltechindusludgoth music known for chaotic live performances and taking forever to produce a finish product. The tracks recorded from the start until the end still are in production and will be released in the future.
One Cent Left :: Website / MySpace
2005-Present >> Unknown and slowing moving toward mastering the personal tastes versus the policies of musical composition. There is a volume of audio sketches awaiting production and polishing. The styles of music range from school band marches to Jandek-like 'feeling before form' compositions.
Commodore 64 Remakes and Remixes :: Website
2005-Present >> Unknown and slowing moving toward mastering the personal tastes versus the policies of musical composition. There is a volume of audio sketches awaiting production and polishing. The styles of music range from school band marches to Jandek-like 'feeling before form' compositions.
Disinvention :: Website / MySpace
1994 >> A basement, a room of instruments and tools of the trade, and two people with no preconceived ideas or set direction release a few hours of mental audio washings. This work was the brain child of Matt 'Zombatose' Lundy. Me and Matt set up the rules: no melodies and no communication.
Ephemeral :: MySpace
1993-1996 >> Unknown and slowing moving toward mastering the personal tastes versus the policies of musical composition. There is a volume of audio sketches awaiting production and polishing.
Nature's' Descending :: MySpace
1992-1996 >> Found Sound electronic based music. This tends to be the most musical works of the era. Anything that sounded to be too melodic to be considered 99 material usually wound up here.
LMC :: Website to Come
1992-1996 >> Dancelike tracks which borrowed from the techno, synth, and noise camps. The initialism stands for Ludicrous Masturbating Chipmunks, and coincidentally another electronic artist claimed the name of LMC, albeit with publicly revered accomplishment.
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